Housing Supported Services Program (HSSP)

Providing hope, support and unconditional commitment through housing stabilization services

 Man drinking coffee in contemplation by a window

Support for Individuals in Permanent Supportive Housing

The Housing Supported Services Program is a specialized program that provides comprehensive and intensive field-based community mental health services designed to meet the unique needs of individuals in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) who are formerly homeless and have a Severe Mental Illness (SMI) or Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED). The HSSP services are provided as part of an integrated model in which the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Health Services (DHS), and Department of Public Health (DPH) partner to respectively provide:

Mental Health Services

HSSP is part of Department of Mental Health program to provide additional support for the newly housed population to ensure placement. Those who may benefit from mental health services are identified and enrolled in HSSP where a therapist and a community worker engage the individuals and provide ongoing weekly therapy session. The HSSP team conducts a thorough assessment of the individuals needs and current functioning and may link them to additional services such as psychiatric and medical support, as well as substance use services. The team also conducts regular consultations with the Intensive Services Case Management providers and all who are involved with providing services to the clients.

Substance Use Services

Clients who struggle with alcohol and drug abuse may be linked to a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) provider for additional support. The SUD counselor will conduct an assessment to see if the client meets the criteria for outpatient SUD services. If they do meet the criteria then they will be meeting with the client on a weekly basis.

Eligibility Requirements

DMH allocates a number of units to receive HSSP services prior to the opening of the facilities. Although are tenants qualify to receive mental health services through HSSP, the number of units will depends on available budget at the time of assignment. DMH has been open to increasing the number of units in particular buildings where there are more tenants willing to participate in HSSP services than previously assigned.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of support provided by the HSSP?

HSSP will continue until the client is stable and able to maintain the placement. Services may also continue as long as the clients are benefiting from mental health services are and willing to participate in the therapeutic services.

How does the Housing Supportive Services Program ensure the continued success of its participants?

The HSSP team engages the clients by developing a treatment plan that is personalized and addresses their immediate needs. To ensure the success of each participant, the team makes sure that they are linked to all needed services and the timely consultations among all providers are taking place regularly to ensure continuity of services as needed.

How can I support the program and help in the mission to provide housing and mental health services?

You can support the Housing Supported Services Program by donating or volunteering. Donations directly contribute to the funding of services for individuals in need, while volunteering offers a hands-on way to make a positive impact in their lives.


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Parviz Nafari
Regional Director
Daisy DeJesus
Regional Director