Pet Wellness at Penny Lane

July 2, 2024

Penny Lane's Pet Committee

Penny Lane as a social services agency embraces our communities and works to transform change within the individuals, families, and other components of the community.   In recent years we have noted the integral part and emotional impact that pets be they dogs, cats, lizards or some other animal have upon the people and families in these communities.  We recognize that we must try as much as possible to also integrate these “furry” or “four legged” family members in to our planning and services.  

With that in mind Penny Lane formed the Pet Committee in late 2023 and that group has been hard at work trying to address needs and find solutions for pets.  We have declared August to be Paw Days at Penny Lane and looking to incorporate events for clients and for staff (lots of pet lovers on the Penny Lane staff) throughout the month to honor, help and celebrate our “fur babies” and more will come about that later.  

Right now we need to focus on the upcoming 4th of July holiday – a time when the most animals are lost or escape often ending up in terrible situations which could be avoided.   At this link there is an article with safety tips from the ASPCA regarding how to keep our animals safe during the upcoming holiday and frankly for the summer.  Happy 4th and hopefully you (and your pets) have a wonderful summer.

Pet Safety on the 4th: Pets

If you are interested in helping with the pet committee or “Paw Days” feel free to reach out to me at

-Bernie La Fianza, Penny Lane Centers