PL Helping During Times of Need

February 4, 2025

PL Prepares and Delivers Meals for Our First Responders During the LA Fires

Los Angeles continues to feel the impact of the destruction caused by the many fires that tore through our communities.  Countless families were displaced while our first responders worked to ensure the safety of our friends, families, and neighbors.  

Donations poured in to assist and support.  The community came together in a beautiful demonstration of empathy.  Our Penny Lane staff joined together to donate toiletries and dinners to the Altadena Sherriff's office.  On Thursday, 1/16, Wednesday, 1/22 and Friday 1/24 the warm meals included roasted chicken, fresh fruit, garlic bread, salad, fried chicken, pasta salad and lasagna!  

Our staff came together to donate their time and culinary skills and financial contributions to ensure a hot meal for the night shift.  Our community liaison, William Castillo, had this to say:

"I need to thank you 1000 times over.  The Sherriff deputies were very appreciative for the hot meals.  They hadn't had one since the fires began.  This has been a great collaboration between Penny Lane Centers and my community, Oakridge Mobile Home Park." -William Castillo
"Please thank your staff from us at Oakridge Mobile Home Park and the Altadena Sheriff Deputies." -Erik Ingebrigtsen

Thank you to our Chefs:

  • Erika Aceves
  • Shannon Houselog
  • Caryn May
  • Judith Sandino
  • Nydia Barakat
  • Adriana Camacho
  • Madeline Sacba
-Judy Grant, Penny Lane Centers

Check out some more photos below!