How many of us can relate to juggling multiple roles on a daily basis? Whether you’re a mother, father, sister, daughter, son, spouse and/or Penny Lane employee we have to manage it all. The juggling act can feel never ending and sometimes overwhelming. I recently became a mother of two and returned to my position in AV as Quality Improvement Supervisor after a 6 month maternity leave. I had been on baby mode for the past 6 months and needed my QI brain to kick into gear and quick! After being at work for a month, I noticed that I wasn’t paying attention to my physical or mental health. I was constantly on the go and feeling sluggish and foggy, I wasn’t present. I started being forgetful and just didn’t feel great. I knew I needed to do something, I knew I needed to get my body moving, but how was I supposed to do this with 2 kids, a husband, job, making dinner, bedtimes, and all of the above!? Amid all these thoughts and feelings, I received an email from a former physical trainer who was holding daily classes. I thought, yes this is it, this is the answer! My bubble was quickly burst when I read that the class was held at 5 am. Yes, 5 am! Ugh! How would I make this happen, can I even do this? I spoke to my husband who motivated me to say yes! I put me first, I told myself I HAVE to do this, it was not an option. Now, 3 months later into waking up every day at 5 am to get my body moving, I feel stronger, I have more endurance, I don’t feel foggy or sluggish, and I can run around with my boys. It wasn’t about losing weight, it was about how exercise can have a big impact not only on physical health, but also mental clarity. Along with getting my body moving, I have also tried to work on mindfulness, I am currently reading a book called “5 Minutes of Mindfulness for all those Mama’s out there”. It points out how just 5 minutes of mindfulness a day can be beneficial. We often times forget to slow down with all the day to day things that go on, time flashes before our eyes without living in the moment.
I’ve barely started my journey of physical and mental wellness, I still have a ways to go, but seeing the progress I made thus far has me motivated to keep going!
I challenge you to get your body moving and taking 5 minutes to slow down and smell the roses 😊
-Catrina Rodriguez, Penny Lane Centers