Another Successful EDGY Conference in 2024

July 2, 2024

Another Successful EDGY Conference in 2024!!

On Thursday, June 13th Penny Lane Centers held the 14th Annual EDGY Conference.  Professionals, caregivers, therapists, and clients came together to discuss how we can better serve our LGBTQ+ youth and families.  From the myriads of resource tables and keynote speakers and workshops, EDGY 2024 proved to be an impactful and empowering moment for everyone to discuss how we can better support the LGBTQIA+ community.  

We started the day off with an impactful short film to get everyone ready to “Say Gay”!  Following the opening short film, our very own Penny Lane team members Janet Lazar, Summer Gomez, and Brian Olivas lead us through a morning mindfulness session that really kick started the powerful day.  Cameron Glasgow, our EDGY Conference Chairperson, followed by leading us into what to expect throughout the rest of the day, what allyship means to Penny Lane and how we all can be part of the solution.  The message that Cameron, Wendy Carpenter and all the presenters shared is that everyone can be an ally, and everyone can “Say Gay”.  

As hundreds of people gathered at the Skirball Center we made a collective promise to support our LGBTQIA+ youth and families so they know they have allies, and they don’t have to feel so feel alone. This message was shared throughout the day as speakers spoke of community resources, interventions, and support from several community partners.  The day was filled with keynote speakers, panelists, workshops, and a robust resource fair.  A highlight of the day came in the form of two personal stories told by current PLC staff members Levi Nunez and Naomi Novak.  Both opened their hearts and shared their stories with vulnerability and transparency.  They showed their strength, but also relied on the strength and support of others to get them to where they are today.  

EDGY creates a space for connection.  Community partners meet and greet each other.  There is an exchange of ideas and interventions with the mindset that we are all there to learn how we can better serve the youth and families entrusted to us.  No one claims to be an expert, but rather recognizes the importance of learning from each other.  When we come together and share our experiences, ideas and perspectives great things can happen to all our communities.

Here are some testimonials from presenters and attendees:

"The LA City Clerk’s Office is immensely grateful for your outstanding stewardship of our partnership. Your consistent attentiveness, proactivity, and kindness have been invaluable. Your commitment to our collaboration has truly shaped the future of Los Angeles. We are genuinely grateful for the partnership we've built with Penny Lane Centers and eagerly await our next opportunity to work together." -Kevin Cervantes-Salazar, LA City Clerk Office
"This was my second time in the three years of volunteering to help at the conference since I’ve been working at Penny Lane’s Commerce site.   I enjoy how staff from the different sites come together as a team to be able to provide services to our fellow colleagues and organizations that support this event.  Basically, we all collaborate to make the day happen. Listening to the passionate speakers and attending the workshops, those in attendance always learn something new that they are able to take with us to advocate and empower to support LBGTQ+ youth and families." -Edith Hurtado, Penny Lane Centers
"Thank you again Cameron! I can speak for Aldayr when I say we highly enjoyed ourselves, the ease/organization as a presenter, and the awesome conference you folks put together. Looking forward to next year and the upcoming Rise Up Conference!" -Jalissa McDuffie, Crittenton Services for Children and Families

Penny Lane Centers is proud to be an agency of action where we work to make a difference in the lives of our clients and communities.  We are proud to have been conducting the EDGY conference for the past 14 years.  We sincerely thank all our participants, presenters, partners, and volunteers, without whom, none of this would be possible.  We look forward to seeing you all at next year’s conference in June of 2025!


-EDGY Conference Team, Penny Lane Centers

Check out some more photos below!