Summer Fun at Penny Lane Centers- Past Events

August 3, 2024

Penny Lane Day at the Park 2024

On Saturday July 20th the Penny Lane family gathered at William S. Hart Park in Newhall for the 2nd annual Summer Day in the Park.  It was a beautiful day filled with fun games, prizes, face painting, water balloons, hamburgers and hot dogs.  The trees provided lots of shade as families gathered beneath them to talk, laugh and enjoy the company of each other.

The Day in the Park is an opportunity to get together outside of the confines of work for a day of play.  It’s great fun to see and meet the families of our colleagues from the smallest of babies to the dear grandparent.  There is no question as to how hard our staff work. The demands of the job can often be overwhelming.  The Day in the Park allows us to all take a breath and enjoy each other without computers, notes, meetings, or deadlines, but with laughter and togetherness.  

This year we were joined by our Logix partner who handed out Logix bags along with other swag.  We are so grateful to Logix for continuing to support our mission both during and outside of workhours.  DJ Max of Amplified Entertainment rallied all for various games and races. Adults and kids joined in the relay race, parachute madness and hula hooping.  To add a bit of creativity to the day, Madcap Balloons painted faces with flowers, and swirls and some spiders.  The addition of these special groups made the Day at the Park even more special for all.

Bubbles were blown in honor and memory of our beloved Tammy Bassrey. Being part of each other’s lives is what makes us a family. Penny Lane Centers is not just about the services we provide to the client and community, we are very much about our people.  It is a pleasure to be able to create a day wholly focused on our staff and their families to say thank you for all that you do.  

PL Day at the Park- PHOTOS

-Nydia Barakat & Judy Grant, Penny Lane Centers

Check out some more photos below!

Day of Service at Penny Lane

On Tuesday, July 9th the PLC Leadership Team gathered for the 3rd Annual Day of Service.  The day began with a mindfulness exercise which led to discussions around the importance of giving back and building connections.  Additionally, the PLC leaders engaged in a team building exercise in which communication and collaboration were key to the success of the group.  

Our Heart Centered Principles extended into the second half of the event when we began to put family bags together.  Thanks to the incredible donation from Soul4Souls, we received 500 pairs of shoes to give to both our clients and our community neighbors.  Allied provided hundreds of pillows and bedding and Baby2Baby donated diapers of all sizes, baby toiletries and clothing.  The family bags contained a myriad of items which included clothing, diapers, adult and baby toiletries, bedding, car seats, socks and shoes.  

We had shoes to brighten the faces of both children and adults.  From sparkles, to rainbows, running and high tops, Soul4Souls donated sizes for all age ranges, and we are so very grateful for their support.  All told we put together over five hundred bags for our clients and community.

The day continued in North Hills where the doors to the Rainbow Room were opened to clients and passersby.  Any and every one interested in a new pair of shoes, or a car seat or bike helmet was able to stop in and grab a bag.  The gratitude was palpable as families exited with full hands and smiles.  The kids chose their shoes, even wearing them out of the room.  Others who had come by earlier, returned with friends.  News of the PLC Day of Service spread through the neighborhood, and all were served.  

The Day of Service is a day to give back, but it isn’t totally selfless.   Knowing that we can help to transform lives with a pair of shoes, or a new blanket reminds us of why we do the work we do.  We remain committed to serving the community with compassion and empathy.  It’s what we do, and we are grateful for the opportunity to do it.  

The day would not have been possible without our amazing donors.  We would like to extend a very warm thanks to Soul4Souls, Baby2Baby and Allied for their incredible generosity and kindness, which helped us to continue our mission of Transforming Lives.

-Judy Grant, Penny Lane Centers

Check out some more photos below!

Another Successful Backpack Drive for Our Families

On Saturday, July 27th our families came together at our North Hollywood facility for a backpack giveaway and a financial education workshop. Families lined up before the doors were scheduled to open as they were excited to be part of this back to school event.

The day started by guests attending financial Education workshops provided by JPMorgan Chase.  These workshops were tailored to adults, children, and youth.  The families enjoyed the workshops so much that some of them stayed after the class to get more information about budgeting, etc.  Penny Lane Centers is committed to partnering with organizations such as JPMorgan Chase to provide this type of education for our families to help them become independent. After the workshops they headed to the patio area at Penny Lane Centers North Hollywood where they had delicious hamburgers, chips and more.  As the families were leaving, they were given backpacks for their kids going back to school, clothing, and supplies.  This backpack drive helps reduce the financial impact that school supply shopping can have on struggling families.   The families left with a grateful heart.  

This event could not have been possible without the help from our board member; Anthony Lee and Wedbush Securities. The volunteers from the San Fernando/Santa Clarita Alumni Kappa Alpha Psi chapter who were there bright and early moving furniture, setting up tables and giving away the backpacks and supplies to our children and families.  They gave their time and support this past Saturday for the good of others. To our staff Christy, Maribel, Anna, Eline, and Mary Sue your enthusiasm and dedication to our families makes a difference.  And finally, thank you JPMorgan Chase Bank for partnering with us to provide financial education in order to impact economic growth for our families and for the commitment of your organization and staff to help communities in need.

Till next year!

-Nydia Barakat, Penny Lane Centers

Check out some more photos below!