Community Support: The Robert Nelson Foundation

April 5, 2022

Spring has definitely arrived as we traditionally think of spring as a time of renewal and a time of new beginnings.  This is true for Penny Lane as well as the synergy between our community supporting partners and our fund development and marketing staff are firing on all cylinders resulting in some much needed and especially appreciated donations to support Penny Lane’s work.   The most recent example of that is the Robert Nelson Foundation which came to us by way of one of our dedicated employees chatting with other parents at a school pick up and resulted in Robert Nelson awarding Penny Lane the biggest single donation to an organization in their history with their recent gift of $100,000.   This money will go to help our housing clients and specifically our veterans as you will see in the video clip with Ernest expressing his gratitude.

We are so grateful to the Robert Nelson foundation, who we knew very little about prior to this, who have helped change lives with their donations.   Let me share a little about the Robert Nelson Foundation so that you too can appreciate these caring giving people.  The Robert Nelson Foundation is committed to enhancing communities by funding projects that promote service, innovation, and excellence. “To Give and to Grow” is based on the principle of supporting great ideas that will help others reach their full potential.  “Integrity, Excellence, Kindness”  Principles that Mr. Nelson lived by and the legacy of his life that will be continued by the mission of the foundation to fund projects that reflect the core values that shaped his life.  If you want more information on them, be sure to check out their website:  The Robert Nelson Foundation

Penny Lane continues to have a very successful fundraising year.  If you want to make a difference or want to learn how you can help transform the lives of those who most need it, please visit our website: